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They hatched a daring plan: To educate young sorcerers, thus Hogwarts school began. Welcome to Hogwarts Age, a post-by-post roleplay forum for fans of Harry Potter!
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 Generating a Character Sheet

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Posts : 49
House Points : 57
Join date : 2015-09-13
Age : 27
Location : Everywhere

Hogwarts Rank
Character Name: Adrian Maddox
Age/Year: 16/6
House: Ravenclaw

Generating a Character Sheet Empty
PostSubject: Generating a Character Sheet   Generating a Character Sheet Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2015 11:18 pm

Hi everyone, it's Adrian. This forum utilizes the Character Sheet module.

What does that mean? Well, it's simple: You can have multiple characters (as far as I'm aware), but it's advised to set a "main one" for yourself to actively participate in the forum Houses.

"But how do we make it?" That's easy too! Just go to "Edit Profile" and click "Hogwarts Rank." It'll probably ask you to Generate a Sheet, so do that. From there, you have a ton of options to fill in, and on the side you can place the link to your character photo. Then just hit "Save" (or whatever it says).

From then on, the 3 main stats of your Main Character - Name, Age/Year and House - will be displayed under your profile on each post you make.

And that's it! If there's any questions or problems, just let me know. Thanks for reading!

- Adrian
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